Pixel Remix
The Pixel Remix Project restores a whimsical series from 2005 that appear to be early studies for the magnetic sculpture series “Bagatelles.”
A photo of how these works look framed (below) – a studio favorite, they have a minimalist graphical charm – shown with “Spacemind” by Tullio Francesco DeSantis
Blue painter’s tape is used to mask the original lines so the work can be cleaned and repainted by the artist. 18 have been discovered from the original series.
Restored items are below. Click on one to order via Paypal. Purchasing one of these lovely works helps us continue with our pixel remix and pastel restoration efforts!
Part of the creative restoration process (and why it takes so long) is a concern that the works will need to be disassembled and reassembled, so a vector template is created of each work so we have a diagram of where the pieces go in that event. These are now available as a set of fine art cards available for purchase below. Collect them all!