Point.B GalleryWINDOW.SHOW
2024, Port Orford OR

Cape Blanco Greeting CenterSAVE OUR LIGHTHOUSE
2024, Port Orford OR

Point.B GalleryROAD TRIPS
2019, Port Orford OR

Point.B Gallery#isitart (reprise)
2018, Port Orford OR

Point.B Galleryentr’acte
2017, Port Orford OR

2017, Port Orford OR

Point.B GallerySEA-CHANGE / Act One
2016, Port Orford OR

Point.B Gallery351-Centennial
2015, Port Orford OR

Point.B GalleryPIXELiNN / LANGUAGES 05
Winter 2014/15, Port Orford OR

Point.B GalleryGegenschein
Fall 2014, Port Orford OR

Point.B GalleryInterazione
Spring 2014, Port Orford OR

Point.B Gallery{~beaux libre*}
Fall 2012, Port Orford OR

Point.B Galleryaitia
Fall 2011, Port Orford OR

ABOVE “Art in the Information Age” (aitia) signature artwork – “synoecism”

Point.B Galleryprogressions
2011 retrospective, Port Orford OR

Point.B Gallerysonglines
Fall 2010, Port Orford OR

Point.B Galleryfind way
Fall 2009, Port Orford OR

Jacobs Gallery97465
Summer 2009, Eugene OR

Brian Scott GalleryThe Brookings Artwalk
Summer 2005, Brookings OR

Face The Wind Gallery“New Work”
Summer 2005, Port Orford OR

Silverfish Gallery“Recent Work”
Spring 2004, North Bend OR

Nesika Beach Foundry2003

Transaction Gallery“Abstract Forms”
Fall 2002, Port Orford OR

Transaction Gallery“Folds”
Spring 2002, Port Orford OR

Thielen Gallery“Recent Work”
Summer 2001, Port Orford OR

Triangle Gallery
1978, San Francisco CA

Museum of Modern Art Rental Gallery

1982, San Francisco CA